Disability Awareness Month

Mar 2, 2022 | Uncategorized

Consumer Success Resumes

On February 26, 1987 President Ronald Reagan officially declared Proclamation 5613 making March National Disabilities Awareness Month. The proclamation called for people to provide understanding, encouragement and opportunities to help persons with disabilities to lead productive and fulfilling lives.

Throughout March, NWVCIL will be sharing the stories of consumers who have achieved personal, professional, or systemic victories.

First up – Patricia “Jeannie” Keener!

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<p>Picture description: Resume format with Patricia "Jeannie" Keener heading.</p>
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<p>About me: Jeannie is a long-time consumer with NWVCIL. She uses her disability to educate our community. Jeannie has a Cochlear device that helps her to communicate with others.</p>
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<p>Success stories:</p>
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<p>Pandemic Professional - With assistance from NWVCIL, she worked with Elkins Physical Sports and Therapy during the Pandemic to create a see-through mask so she could read lips while having therapy.</p>
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<p>Community Helper - With information obtained from NWVCIL, Jeannie opened a new WVABLE Account and saved money to purchase a more dependable vehicle - all while educating the banks about working with people with disabilities!</p>
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<p>Fun Facts:</p>
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<p>Enjoys knitting and crocheting</p>
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<p>Avid reader</p>
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<p>Enjoys Peer Support Groups</p>
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If You Think You Need Help, You Probably Do.

The team at LiveAbility helps people just like you stay in their homes and in their communities by helping with Home Modification, Vehicle Modification, Assistive Technology & So Much MORE!  Call today to find out how LiveAbility can help YOU gain or maintain independence.

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