NWVCIL Board of Directors Recruitment

May 14, 2018 | Disability, Outreach, Public Awareness

The Northern West Virginia Center for Independent Living (NWVCIL) is seeking volunteer Board members to provide direction and guidance for its community based, consumer-directed, nonprofit disability resource and advocacy center that provides independent living services throughout a 13-county service area.

Board meetings are held in Morgantown bimonthly. Any out of pocket expenses related to board participation are reimbursed. We are seeking people who can assist with strategic long-range program and financial planning, succession planning and resource development.

As a consumer-directed agency, 51% of the Board positions must be held by qualified individuals with disabilities who represent community members, local business representatives, people with disabilities and others who support and promote equality for all.

INFO:  Jan Derry, Executive Director at 304-296-6091 or jderry@nwvcil.org

APPLICATION:  Northern West Virginia Center for Independent Living Board of Directors

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