Partnerships in Assistive TecHnologieS (PATHS) - PATHS, the Partnerships in Assistive TecHnologieS, is a nonprofit group dedicated to increasing awareness about and access to assistive technology (AT). PATHS was incorporated in 1996 and is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt, 501 (c)(3) corporation. PATHS is a licensed business and registered as a nonprofit organization with the State of West Virginia.
West Virginia Olmstead Transition and Diversion Program - The intent of the Olmstead Transition & Diversion Program is to assist people with disabilities who reside in facility settings to return to or for those who are at risk of facility placement to remain in their home and community. The funding for this Program is very limited and can support approximately 50‐70 people per year. Due to the limited funding available, it is critical to allocate funding to those wishing to return home and those at imminent risk of facility placement.