Annetta Johnson

Interim Executive Director

Annetta Johnson is the Administrative Director for NWVCIL. She runs the financial department making sure that all bills are paid, payroll is done, reports are submitted, grant billing is completed and all budgets stay on track. Annetta works closely with our outside accountant to ensure the accounts are ready and correct for the yearly audit. She has been with NWVCIL for 12 years and plans to continue working here.

She has completed a large portion of her classes to become an accountant and hopes to complete her degree in the next couple years. Her minor is in Human Services, both of these degrees will help with her work at NWVCIL.

Annetta’s work at NWVCIL is enhanced by her personal experience with family members being persons with disabilities. In her down time she spends time with her family enjoying the outdoors.

Annetta has been in the non-profit world for 18 years, working for North Central WV Community Action for six years before coming to NWVCIL. While at Community Action she worked with other agencies to provide the Summer Food program. She headed up two Group Workcamp programs, serving 65-70 families each time. The Workcamp program brought in 300-350 kids plus 60-70 adults to help low income families to do repairs on their homes that other programs would not. This program required finding families, inspecting the homes, finding contractors to volunteer supervision, ordering supplies and providing housing for the out of state volunteers.

(304) 296-6091 ext. 100

Paulette Southerly

Program Director & Peer Support Program Coordinator

Paulette Southerly is a Program Director and Peer Support Specialist at the Northern West Virginia Center for Independent Living.  Paulette works with individuals with disabilities to promote wellness, independence, and consumer choice, as well as educating individuals, legislators, and businesses to create accommodating, inclusive communities.  Having worked in a clinical neuropsychological setting in the past, she is also aware of potential barriers to accessing healthcare in general and mental healthcare in particular.  Like Theodore Roosevelt, Paulette believes that “[f]ar and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.”

Paulette is a graduate of the CCAR Recovery Coach Academy, a certified Mental Health First Aid provider, a trained motivational interviewer, and a graduate of the Our Lives: Safe and Strong Program Leadership Training through The Regional Research Institute, School of Social Work at Portland State University.  She is a member of Monongalia County's Sexual Assault Response Team, the National Council for Independent Living, the Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness Advisory Council, and the National Council for Independent Living's Mental Health subcommittee.  She has received additional training in the areas of suicide prevention, sexual assault, trauma informed care, traumatic brain injury, and peer support.

Paulette graduated magna cum laude from West Virginia University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and minors in English and Communication Studies; upon graduation she was elected into the Phi Beta Kappa Society.

(304) 296-6091 ext. 112

Brenda Dasher

Community Integration Specialist

Brenda Dasher is our Community Integrations Specialist and works out of the Elkins Office. Brenda's love is working with businesses to help them make sure they are ADA compliant.

Accessibility is very important to her from businesses, schools, playgrounds and recreation areas in WV.  Brenda's hope is to break down all barriers so that some day  everyone can go and do the things they love to do with family and friends. Brenda has attended Universal Design Training's as well as ADA Training's to help insure this is a possibility for all of WV.

The project that Brenda is most proud of is an accessible Kayak / Canoe Launch which is located in Elkins, WV.  Check it out on NWVCIL's facebook page.  Working together with the community and applying for a grant, the project cost approximately $40,000.00

Brenda was recognized by the National Council on Independent living as receiving the Region III Advocacy Award.  Dasher was selected as the sole recipient of the annual award from NCIL Region III, which covers Delaware, Maryland,Pennsylvania, Virginia , West Virginia and the District of Columbia.

Along with doing the Community Integration job, Brenda also does skills training and peer support groups.

Brenda is a Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS), as well as serves on the Appalachian Community Health as a board member.  She is also a board member on the Randolph County Domestic Chore as well as a Sexual Assault Response Team Member.

(304) 636-0143

Christine Wilcox


Transition Advocate

Christine Wilcox is a Transition Advocate at The Northern West Virginia Center for Independent Living. Christine works with individuals with disabilities to promote self-advocacy, self-awareness, goal setting, independence, and consumer choice. Christine also works to educate individuals, legislators, and businesses to create accommodating, inclusive Communities. Having started her work in the disability field as a Direct Support Provider, Christine believes it is important that all individuals with disabilities are treated as equals.

Christine is a member of the National Council for Independent Living, the Statewide Independent Living Council, the National Council for Independent Living Chronic Pain and Opioid Sub Committee, The Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness Advisory Council, the West Virginia Youth Leadership Forum, and Take me Home WV.

Christine teaches Instruction in Self Advocacy in partnership with the West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services. She also holds regular art classes for individuals with disabilities using funding from a grant awarded by Your Community Foundation of North Central West Virginia and its partners.

Christine graduated with a bachelor’s degree in communications from West Virginia University. She is 12 credits away from her bachelor’s degree in psychology and hopes to complete these credits soon. She enjoys spending her free time with her cocker spaniel Freddy, and her son, Phinneaus.

Donna Megert

Administrative Assistant

Ryan Poling

Community Living Program

Janice Triplin

Administrative Assistant