Elkins and Randolph County officials, together with representatives from the Northern WV Center for Independent Living, joined in a celebration Monday of the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Together at Elkins City Hall, Mayor Van Broughton, Randolph County Commission representatives Chris See and Mark Scott, and Elkins Code Enforcement officer Phil Isner joined Community Integration Specialist Brenda Dasher, Executive Director Willis McCollam, Jeannie Keener, and Denise Jackson to proclaim July 26th, 2020 “Americans with Disabilities Act Day.”
The Northern WV Center for Independent Living wants to sincerely thank these officials not only for recognizing the importance of the ADA, but also contributing financially to NWVCIL. Their generous funding allows NWVCIL to better serve consumers in our community; consumers like Denise Jackson, who volunteers at her local church and once a month participates in “Feed the City” which provides meals to over 300 individuals in the community. Consumers like Jeannie Keener, who is deaf and has grown into a staunch advocate for herself and others. Because of Jeannie’s efforts, Elkins Physical Therapy and Sports Injury Clinic now utilizes masks with clear panels to enable deaf and hard of hearing consumers to participate fully in their therapy.
Read the full article here: https://www.theintermountain.com/news/local-news/2020/07/elkins-celebrates-30th-anniversary-of-ada/