
Campus Mental Health: Frequently Asked Questions

Campus Mental Health: Frequently Asked Questions

From the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law:

Campus Mental Health: Frequently Asked Questions

Many students attending colleges and universities experience anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems.

According to the 2016 National College Health Assessment, almost 40% of college students reported that they felt “so depressed it was difficult to function” at some point in the prior 12 months, 19% felt overwhelming anxiety, and 10% had seriously considered suicide.

If you are a college or graduate student experiencing one of these challenges or another mental health issue, you may be worried about its effect on your academic progress, disciplinary status, or ability to participate in social or other activities at your school. In this guide, we hope to answer some of your questions about your rights as a student with mental illness, as well as about the legal protections, accommodations, and resources available to you.

For more information, visit